Also, Scar wasn't very strong or athletic lion. Having even two full-grown male lions in a single pride is seriously unrealistic.
The movie didn't show us or tell us that there were other male lions so they don't exist. I've only ever seen one Chinese man, but that doesn't mean I assume all the women in China mate with him. Why do people keep saying that Scar and Mufasa are the only male lions in the first film so this means they are the only male lions in the pride?Just because it's not onscreen doesn't mean it doesn't exist! They could have just decided not to show them as they had nothing to do in the film. Also, Kilimandjaro eternal snows back then were closer to the abundant ones described in the film, rather than the few remaining nowadays. It works if you suppose that 4 years old is the equivalent of late twenties for lions, 2 years being equivalent to late teens. The Lion King 1 and half show old Timon and Pumbaa rewatching the events in 2004. The second film is set mainly between 19. He came back to claim his throne in early 1998. Simba’s birth took place in june 1994, childhood in early 1995. In the TLK franchise sequel gaps, it may make sense if you think about it : I don’t know you, but I heard about some fan convention saying that when dates are not indicated, the film events are supposed to happen on the very first release day, when it’s likely. I like the one saying it’s in a near post humanity future. The characters may use modern life expressions, but one can still ignore it by saying it’s only the translation in our human language. If you want it to be set either thousands of years ago, or just a month ago, that's up to you. It's left up to the individuals to decide when it was set. Is there any indication of some modern date one way or another? When exactly do the stories take place?I've seen a lot of people say it takes place early in human history but I always thought it was set in modern times. Rob believed that The Lion King possibly takes place before mankind. In an interview/reaction video from Screen Junkies with director Rob Minkoff, the latter clarified that they did consider during production if the movie took place around or before the age of civilization and humanity. Additional material suggests that humans are very rarely seen in these wild parts of Africa, to the point of mythical, and the movie presumably took place before the African population started really expanding. That it looks like Scar is simply Rule of Funny. Nemea is in Southern Greece, while The Lion King is explicitly in Africa. Technically, it's the Nemean Lion that Herc is wearing. #LION KING ZAZU THEORY SKIN#
If we count this as canon, then The Lion King couldn't have taken place long before the events of Hercules, as the skin would have decayed by then. In Hercules Herc is shown wearing Scar's skin while posing for a portrait.The references to Out of Africa probably pin it to 1937 and beyond, too but again, outside of those, the timeline is indeed ambiguous. Well, except for the fact that it likely takes place in the Gregory Rift area (most likely the Serengeti/Mara ecosystem) means that it takes place at least in the last 8 million years, since rifting began at that point.Like you said, it was made so you could pick any period for it to be set. The time period of the films.Obviously they meant it to be ambiguous, as it could be anywhere from the dawn of time to present day, but was it ever revealed if the film was set in a certain time period?